@uint8_t @notjustbikes ok... maybe I lack imagination, but if the destinations, the shops, the restaurants, the bars, the churches, the playgrounds, … have all turned into wasteland, then where do the cars go to? That’s what I can't wrap my head around. In this dystopian future… are they exclusively in remote giant shopping malls? Is that what is being predicted here, that the cities will become shopping malls?
@ristkof I guess you've never been to an American city? The poorer neighbourhoods were the ones that had the highways driven through it. I envision the same thing happening with AVs.
Some streets will become AV highways, others will not. The AVs will take people from their condo towers and gated communities and drop them off at malls, office buildings, and lifestyle centres.
There will be no way to get between these places without an AV, but the city will still have nice places for the rich.