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Not Just Bikes 🇳🇱

And so it begins.

One of the "predictions" from my self-driving cars video that I was 100% confident would happen was that robotaxis will be programmed not to stop for pedestrians.

The idea that a single individual, outside of a motor vehicle, could stop a robotaxi is antithetical to both the tech bro mentality and American traffic engineering.

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I used to predict that when 5% of cars were driverless, everybody else would be forced to drive the speed limit.

I am an optimist.

Not Just Bikes 🇳🇱

I'm reviewing the latest document for the "Amsterdam Makes Space" project (thanks to @rrustema020 for sharing).

This is the summary of consultations with Amsterdam residents, about how to use space in the city.

Most desirable:

- safe for children to play outside
- safe traffic, especially for weaker road users
- fast and frequent public transit

Most undesirable:

- car parking close to destination
- many taxis and good reach of taxis
- quick and easy access to the city centre by car

I'm reviewing the latest document for the "Amsterdam Makes Space" project (thanks to @rrustema020 for sharing).

This is the summary of consultations with Amsterdam residents, about how to use space in the city.

Most desirable:

- safe for children to play outside
- safe traffic, especially for weaker road users
- fast and frequent public transit

Graph of responses summarising consultations of around 5,000 residents of Amsterdam, who rated various uses of city space from most to least desirable.
Not Just Bikes 🇳🇱

After doing so much research from Ontario for my last video, this is such a refreshing read. It's the polar opposite.

While Ontario is desperately trying to make it easier to drive and park in downtown Toronto, Amsterdam residents are not just putting those desires at the bottom of the list, they've explicitly marked them as "undesirable" goals.

On the "car parking near destinations" there's a call out quote that reads, "Let the city become car-free, except for people who really need it." 👏

Jean-Francois Mezei

@notjustbikes @rrustema020 Surprised by taxis being undesirable. Would have expected them to be more neutral since they reduce need for parking and can serve many customers in a day. (though I guess they add to traffic).

ReindeR Rustema

@notjustbikes although the 5.000 were not randomly sampled to make them representative for the population. There was self-selection I understood, that is how I participated in the questionnaire once. This is the segment of the population that wants to think about it. Those who are indifferent remain silent and will complain a bit about new measures. And then fall silent after getting used to it…

Not Just Bikes 🇳🇱

Are self-driving cars a fanciful pipe-dream or are they the future of transportation?

I don't know, but there's one thing I am sure of though: they're currently on track to fundamentally destroy the fabric of our cities.

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@notjustbikes Řízení auta bylo svého času sport. Motoring. Když se mi nechce řídit, tak si říkám že provádím motoring. Jako ve dvacátých letech.


@notjustbikes Also, for the time being, you might want to avoid travelling to SF, LA and Phoenix.

I don't think Waymo will be too happy about this one...

AudraTran :debian:

I don't know where anyone got the idea that anyone thinks autonomous cars will solve traffic problems.

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